Immingham Green Energy Terminal

PEIR Documents

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#IGET PEI Report Vol III Figures Cover Page A3 Version

#IGET PEI Report Vol III Figures Cover Page_A4 version

01_IGET – PEIR Figure 1.1 Site Location

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.1 Site Environment

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.2 Site Boundary

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.3 Site Plan

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.4 Illustrative Site Layout

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.5 East Site Components

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.6 West Site Components

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.7 Site Boundary Changes

02_IGET – PEIR Figure 2.8 Project Phasing Plan

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.1 Air Quality Study Area

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.2 Construction Dust Assessment Study Area

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.3a Annual Mean NO2 Impacts

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.3b Hourly Mean NO2 Impacts

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.3c Annual Mean NOx Impacts

06_IGET – PEIR Figure 6.3d Annual Nitrogen Deposition Rate Impacts

07_IGET – PEIR Figure 7.1 Noise Study Area

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.1 Subtidal Benthic Sampling

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.2 Designations

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.3 Spawn Nursery Grounds

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.4 TraC Fish Monitoring

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.5 Annual Grey Seal

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.6 Grey Seal Aerial

09_IGET – PEIR Figure 9.7 Harbour Porpoise Sightings

10_IGET – PEIR Figure 10.1 Bird Survey Sectors

10_IGET – PEIR Figure 10.2 Designations

10_IGET – PEIR Figure 10.3 Bird Survey Sector C 5-Year Mean

10_IGET – PEIR Figure 10.4 Coastal Bird Distribution Sector C

11_IGET – PEIR Figure 11.1 Site Location

11_IGET – PEIR Figure 11.2 Local Highway Network

11_IGET – PEIR Figure 11.3 Public Rights of Way

11_IGET – PEIR Figure 11.4 Traffic Accident Data

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.1 General Overview of Humber Estuary

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.2 Detailed Overview of Site

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.3 Vessel Tracks by Type

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.4 Vessel Tracks (Tug)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.5 Vessel Tracks (Dredger_Underwater Operations)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.6 Vessel Tracks (Passenger)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.7 Vessel Tracks (Cargo)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.8 Vessel Tracks (Tanker)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.9 Vessel Tracks (Port Craft)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.10 Vessel Tracks (Offshore Support)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.11 Vessel Tracks (Recreational)

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.12 Vessel Outlines by Type

12_IGET – PEIR Figure 12.13 Vessel Densities

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.1 Site Location

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.2 ZTV Bare Earth

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.3 ZTV Visual Screening

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.4 LCA National and Regional

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.5 LCA Local

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.6 Designations

13_IGET – PEIR Figure 13.7 Viewpoint Locations

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP1

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP2a

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP2b

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP3

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP4a

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP4b

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP5

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP6

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP7

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP8

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP10

13_IGET – PEIR Photoviewpoints – VP11

14_IGET – PEIR Figure 14.1 Designated Assets

14_IGET – PEIR Figure 14.2 Non Designated Assets

14_IGET – PEIR Figure 14.3 Historic Landscape Character

15_IGET – PEIR Figure 15.1 Marine Heritage Receptors

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.1 Regional Setting within wider Humber

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.2 Bathymetry Data across Project Site

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.3 Particle Size Distribution across Project Site and Disposal Grounds

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.4 Project Scheme Elements

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.5 Maximum excess SCC from peak flood (top) and peak ebb (bottom) disposal at HU060

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.6 Maximum SSC and sedimentation from dredge and disposal across modelled period

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.7 Timeseries of excess SSC (top) and sedimentation (bottom) at locations down- (left) and up-estuary (right)

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.8 Instantaneous excess SSC (top) and sedimentation (bottom) following discrete disposal events

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.9 Peak baseline flows (top) and impact of scheme (bottom) for flood tide (left) and ebb tide (right)

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.10 Timeseries of changes to flows and bed shear stress for sites P1, P2, P3 and P4

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.11 Timeseries of changes to flows and bed shear stress for sites P5, P7, P8 and P9

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.12 Timeseries of changes to flows and bed shear stress for sites P6, P10, P11 and P12

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.13 Modelled difference to baseline bed level changes over a mean spring neap cycle

16_IGET – PEIR Figure 16.14 Modelled change in Hs for 0.5-yr wave event (left) and 50-yr wave event (right) and NE (top), E (middle) and SE (bottom)

17_IGET – PEIR Figure 17.1 WFD Water Bodies

17_IGET – PEIR Figure 17.2 WFD Protected Areas

17_IGET – PEIR Figure 17.3 Water Sampling Locations

18_IGET – PEIR Figure 18.1 Site Location

18_IGET – PEIR Figure 18.2 Flood Map

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.1 Superficial Geology

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.2 Bedrock Geology

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.3 Ground Water Features

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.4 West Site Constraints

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.5 East Site Constraints

21_IGET – PEIR Figure 21.6 Source Protection Zones

22_IGET – PEIR Figure 22.1 Key Receptors

23_IGET – PEIR Figure 23.1 Economic Receptors

25_IGET – PEIR Figure 25.1 CEA Short List of Developments